MAN HX60 free stuff

Do you love your MAN HX60?

How about a free fridge magnet?

Each image is obsessively hand drawn, down to each knobble of tyre tread.

MAN HX60 fridge magnets

We only have a limited number of these
so we want to make sure they go to genuine UK based HX owners.
All we ask that you do is fill in this form
and tell us a little bit about your HX, or whether you’re just looking for one,
and we’ll send your fridge magnet right away.

Don’t forget to click the design you want!

Why are we doing this?

Because we’re using some good will
to collect the details of fellow HX60 owners
who might be interested in our other products in the future.
We have t-shirts, hoodies and mugs and are working on other products too 🙂

Why should you trust us?

We’re probably just like you.
We recently bought an MAN HX60 and are in the process of converting it into an overland camper.
Have a look at for more info.
The aim of the site is to help other people who might be doing the same,
and to guide them through the conversion process.

Are we going to send you loads of spam?

No we will not.
We have done a lot of research and genuinely think that our products are unlike anything else
and are a very cool way to celebrate your vehicle!
So we’ll contact you about new products as well as discount codes that are not available to others.